Basic Characterization of Solar Cell
In-Line Four Point Probe Tester
Amorphous/microcrystalline Silicon Materials
Steady State Solar Simulator for Solar Cell
Analysis of Defects in Performance Test
Light Induced Degradation Test
Potential Induced Degradation Test
Reverse Current Overload Tester
Potential Induced Degradation (PID) Tester
Current Continuity Test System
There is no essential difference between the front of TOPCon solar cell and conventional N-type solar cell or N-PERT solar cell, which is boron (p+) emitter, passivation layer, and antireflection layer. The core technology of the battery is the back passivation contact. The back of the silicon wafer is composed of an ultra-thin layer of silicon oxide (1-2 nm) and a layer of phosphorus-doped microcrystalline amorphous mixed silicon film. Considering the double-sided application, metallization is carried out by printing Ag or Ag-Al grids on the front and Ag-grid on the back.
Tunneled oxide passivation contact (TOPCon) is a kind of structure that has attracted much attention recently because it achieves a high conversion efficiency of 25.7% 8. TOPCon structure is composed of thin tunnel oxide and phosphorus (P) doped polysilicon layer. The P-doped polysilicon layer can be made by crystallizing a-Si: H 9 or directly depositing polysilicon using LPCVD 10. TOPCon solar cell is a promising candidate for high-efficiency solar cell technology.
✔ IV Tester
✔ EL/PL Tester
✔ Scanning Electron Microscope
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